Tag: Substance Abuse

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What Are Dissociative Drugs

What Are Dissociative Drugs?

Dissociative drugs are a type of drug that causes hallucinogenic effects such as an altered perception of sight and sound. They are sometimes called hallucinogenic

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Letter to my anxiety

A Letter to My Anxiety

Dear Anxiety,

I am massively resentful towards you for the constant strain you put on my daily life.

You take over my simplest, most innocent thoughts and turn them into negative experiences. You then proceed to attack every part of my body from my head down to my toes; you send chills down my spine and sweat down my face. You prevent me from enjoying the moment, as you have coerced me to think about every, single, potential discrepancy that could arise from every situation.

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Why gratitude keeps you sober

Why Gratitude Keeps You Sober

If you have been sober for a couple of days so far, chances are you have heard someone say the word ‘grateful’ in a sentence.

If you have been sober for 1-2 weeks, chances are you have heard the word grateful used in so many sentences you feel overwhelmed by the word and are starting to question whether ‘grateful’ is a substitute for a word other than ‘grateful’.

Understandably so.

Gratitude is thrown around a lot in recovery. You hear the hard-core sober men and women say: “Get off your pity-pot and get in gratitude.” You hear gratitude is a necessary component of sobriety,” and “Write a gratitude list when you get in your head.”

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