Category: Alcoholism

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Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on the Body

The Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Regular drinking—particularly if it is excessive—is very likely to damage a person’s body, regardless of whether they become fully addicted to alcohol. Even moderate drinking can have a negative impact. 

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how to quit drinking

How to Quit Drinking

Alcohol is omnipresent in American society.  This can make quitting drinking seem impossible.  However, it is possible to quit drinking without resorting to social isolation. We’ll give you some tips on how to quit drinking.

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How to Help an Alcoholic

How to Help an Alcoholic

Roughly six percent of the population in the United States is believed to have an alcohol-use disorder. On top of that, it is believed that

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longterm effects of alcohol abuse

The Long-term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

If you visited your primary care physician recently, you were likely asked how many alcoholic beverages you drink in a week. Did you tell the truth when you answered? 32% of women and 50% of men lie to their doctors about their alcohol consumption

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understanding alcoholism and dementia

Understanding the Connection: Alcoholism and Dementia

Researchers have found that when one slips into unconsciousness due to overdrinking, it doubles the risk of contracting dementia. If you or someone you love abuses alcohol and you fear that they are at risk of developing alcohol-related dementia, read on to learn more about the risks.

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