Tag: dual diagnosis treatment center

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How Impulse Control Plays a Role in Addiction Recovery

How Impulse Control Plays a Role in Addiction Recovery

People often view those who engage in substance abuse as lacking willpower or self-control. On the surface, lacking impulse control would seem to fit in with this description. However, impulse control is a result of brain chemistry. People who have certain types of brain chemistry are more susceptible to abusing substances or using them in the first place.

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Different Types of Addiction

Different Types of Addiction

When people think about addiction, they usually think about substance abuse. However, there are many types of addiction. It’s important to understand that addiction is a brain disease and not a personal lack of willpower or weakness. Compulsive behavior is strengthened by substance abuse as various substances rewire the brain. But, compulsive behavior doesn’t always require drugs or alcohol.

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Managing Anger in Addiction Recovery

Managing Anger in Addiction Recovery

Anger is a common emotion in addiction recovery. At some point, you have to learn to deal with it and process it in a constructive way. Your anger might be directed at yourself, or at certain people, or society in general, or even at law enforcement and the legal system. The fact remains that anger is very common among those recovering from addiction. Why is it important to deal with anger in addiction recovery? The main reason is that anger is often strongly attached to the risk of relapse. If you don’t properly process your anger, you might end up turning to drugs or alcohol again to cope with it.

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PTSD Symptoms in Men

PTSD Symptoms in Men

PTSD symptoms in men can be more difficult to recognize and diagnose. Many men are wired or conditioned not to show weakness, so they may internalize and hide these symptoms. They may also attempt to self-medicate through drugs or alcohol.

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What Are PTSD Triggers and How To Cope With Them

What Are PTSD Triggers and How To Cope With Them

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a behavioral health condition that happens to some people after they experience a frightening or traumatic event. PTSD causes sufferers to experience flashbacks, nightmares and daily anxiety. PTSD triggers refer to the different stimuli that can cause anxiety and stress in those with the condition.

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Behavioral Health vs Emotional Health

Behavioral Health vs Emotional Health

The best behavioral health and addiction treatment facilities understand the difference between mental and emotional health. Think of behavioral health like a vast ocean. Within

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Depression and Isolation

Depression and Isolation

It’s extremely easy for someone with depression to go into isolation. Feeling the need to disconnect and withdraw from others is a common thing among those with depression. People with depression lean towards isolation because they feel tired, ashamed, guilty, sad and hopeless. They may feel like interacting with others and pretending to be ok is too hard.

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Does Insurance Cover Drug Rehab?

Does Insurance Cover Drug Rehab?

The decision to become sober means going through addiction treatment. As you look through quality rehab centers for substance abuse, you might be asking yourself
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