Individuals who notice a decrease in interest in things they once enjoyed or experienced pleasure could be struggling with anhedonia. Anhedonia can not only cause this interest loss but can also affect their quality of life. ...

Depersonalization disorder (DPDR) is a behavioral health disorder that causes people to feel detached or separated from themselves or numb to their feelings. This can result in a feeling that the world is unreal or robotic. Those who experience DPDR often struggle with anxiety and panic...

Challenging circumstances are part of every human life. But sometimes, the intensity of an event exceeds the body and mind's ability to fully process it. The word psychologists use to describe the mental-emotional response to such events is "trauma."   Trauma is a psychological wound or scar....

Self-harm is often considered as a ‘taboo’ topic of which to be kept to oneself or ignored unless there is a perceived suicidal impulse with each cut.

Unfortunately, that leaves the majority of us who have the overwhelming tendency to either cope with stress, anxiety, depression,...

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